Mini Abloom Parasports-day 2024


24. May - 24. May


10:00 - 14:00


Smiuvegen 253, 0981 Oslo

Let everyone, regardless of their functional ability, have the opportunity to participate in society, without facing physical and psychological obstacles that shut them out. For us at Abloom, it is important to make it possible for children and young people with special needs to develop together with their peers. That is why we are organizing this sports day, which is special, in the following way:

– The children have fun with physical activity, while at the same time they get an introduction to how activities can be adjusted, so that everyone can participate.
– Our partners have special expertise in inclusive sports and fun, and provide instructors for the children on this day.
– Inclusive activity is good for everyone, but absolutely necessary for some.

Mini Abloom has a specific theme which means that children and young people gain more knowledge and increased awareness of disabilities. This happens in an educational and fun way for the children. In the beginning, the festival was at Tøyen, but in 2018 we expanded to Stovner/Rommen. We had 650 participants at Mini Abloom in 2018 and had a visit from deputy mayor Mayor Kamzy Gunaratnam. In 2020, Abloom welcomed Norway’s first virtual filmfestival and activity day. The theme was “right to participate in organized sports arenas/outdoor activities”. The activity day was about the inclusion of all children regardless of background in organized sports, where everyone gets the opportunity to participate in physical activities. These are children who often have low participation in organized sports, and who very often lack positive role models.
Due to the pandemic, parts of the filmfestival were held online in 2021. Both film viewing and registration took place online. In addition, the initiative should contribute to the dissemination of information about Covid 19 among children.

Questions and answers

Where should I meet up?
Who can participate?
What is parasports-day?
Does it cost anything to participate?
How do I register?
Can you be a member of Abloom?
Which districts offer covered expenses about membership for leisure activities for children and young people?
Can Abloom help me apply for covered expenses for membership?

Contact us

Do you have questions regarding this event?


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