Abloom Summer Days 2023


24. Jun - 02. Sep


09:00 - 18:00

Abloom provides our target group with adventurous summer days out in nature! We warmly welcome
refugees, families where one or more members have a disability, and families with children below the
poverty line to our events. The events will provide a safe environment where participants will feel safe in
every way.

The reason we do this is that our target groups face challenges in being integrated and included in Norwegian society. The challenges are: Information and barriers in attitude, discrimination,
misunderstandings, finances and lack of knowledge about activities that are out there. We provide ticketsand transport for our members, all you have to do is come! If you are not a member of Abloom, you pay full price for the activities. Become a member here! You can register via our registration form which you can find on all events. Events may vary from year to year.

Every year, we invite families with children to join us for healthy, social and inclusive experiences –
which they can learn from and repeat as often as they wish in their daily lives. We bring in refugees and
asylum seekers (short and long term), families with children or parents with disabilities, and people living below the poverty line. We do this by giving them both responsibilities and joys through a cozy event in the open air. With people from many different countries taking part, you can relax and take part in fun activities. And of course: eat good food with nice people!

Theme Park Week
Every year we go to amusement parks for some extra fun. This is something many children, young people and playful adults really look forward to! We bring refugees, families with children/young people with disabilities, and people living below the poverty line to Tusenfryd (Thousend Joys) and the trampoline park!

Abloom participates in “Outdoor Life Week”
Abloom usually participates in the “Outdoor Life Week” every year. During Outdoor Life Week we have
participated with a number of organisations at Sognsvann and participated in canoeing, climbing,
barbecues and much more! We collaborate with the Norwegian Orienteering Association. Everyone got to learn about inclusive orienteering. A great day for both young and old. This year’s outdoor day will be on 2 September.

Contact us

Do you have questions regarding this event?


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